DeepInverse: a Pytorch library for imaging with deep learning ================================================================== |Test Status| |Docs Status| |Python 3.6+| |codecov| |Black| Deep Inverse is a Pytorch based library for solving imaging inverse problems with deep learning. Github repository: ``_. Featuring ================== * |:camera_with_flash:| Large collection of :ref:`predefined imaging operators ` (MRI, CT, deblurring, inpainting, etc.) * |:book:| :ref:`Training losses ` for inverse problems (self-supervised learning, regularization, etc.). * |:boomerang:| Many :ref:`pretrained deep denoisers ` which can be used for :ref:`plug-and-play restoration `. * |:book:| Framework for :ref:`building datasets ` for inverse problems. * |:building_construction:| Easy-to-build :ref:`unfolded architectures ` (ADMM, forward-backward, deep equilibrium, etc.). * |:microscope:| :ref:`Diffusion algorithms ` for image restoration and uncertainty quantification (Langevin, diffusion, etc.). * |:books:| A large number of well-explained :ref:`examples `, from basics to state-of-the-art methods. .. image:: figures/deepinv_schematic.png :width: 1000 :align: center Installation ================== Install the latest version of ``deepinv`` via pip: .. code-block:: bash pip install deepinv You can also install the latest version of ``deepinv`` directly from github: .. code-block:: bash pip install git+ Getting Started ================== Try out one of the following deblurring examples (or pick from :ref:`full list of examples `): .. minigallery:: deepinv.physics.BlurFFT .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: :caption: Contents: deepinv.physics deepinv.datasets deepinv.utils deepinv.loss deepinv.denoisers deepinv.optim deepinv.iterative deepinv.unfolded deepinv.sampling deepinv.other_models auto_examples/index deepinv.multigpu deepinv.notation deepinv.contributing Finding Help ================== If you have any questions or suggestions, please join the conversation in our `Discord server `_. The recommended way to get in touch with the developers is to open an issue on the `issue tracker `_. Lead Developers ============================ `Julian Tachella `_, `Dongdong Chen `_, `Samuel Hurault `_ and `Matthieu Terris `_. .. |Black| image:: :target: .. |Test Status| image:: :target: .. |Docs Status| image:: :target: .. |Python 3.6+| image:: :target: .. |codecov| image:: :target: