import torch.nn as nn
import torch
from deepinv.utils import patch_extractor
from deepinv.optim.utils import conjugate_gradient
from deepinv.models.utils import get_weights_url
from deepinv.optim.utils import GaussianMixtureModel
class EPLL(nn.Module):
Expected Patch Log Likelihood reconstruction method.
Reconstruction method based on the minimization problem
.. math::
\underset{x}{\arg\min} \; \|y-Ax\|^2 - \sum_i \log p(P_ix)
where the first term is a standard :math:`\ell_2` data-fidelity, and the second term represents a patch prior via
Gaussian mixture models, where :math:`P_i` is a patch operator that extracts the ith (overlapping) patch from the image.
The reconstruction function is based on the approximated half-quadratic splitting method as in Zoran, D., and Weiss,
Y. "From learning models of natural image patches to whole image restoration." (ICCV 2011).
:param None, deepinv.optim.utils.GaussianMixtureModel GMM: Gaussian mixture defining the distribution on the patch space.
``None`` creates a GMM with n_components components of dimension accordingly to the arguments patch_size and channels.
:param int n_components: number of components of the generated GMM if GMM is ``None``.
:param str, None pretrained: Path to pretrained weights of the GMM with file ending ``.pt``. None for no pretrained weights,
``"download"`` for pretrained weights on the BSDS500 dataset, ``"GMM_lodopab_small"`` for the weights from the limited-angle CT example.
See :ref:`pretrained-weights <pretrained-weights>` for more details.
:param int patch_size: patch size.
:param int channels: number of color channels (e.g. 1 for gray-valued images and 3 for RGB images)
:param str device: defines device (``cpu`` or ``cuda``)
def __init__(
super(EPLL, self).__init__()
if GMM is None:
self.GMM = GaussianMixtureModel(
n_components, patch_size**2 * channels, device=device
self.GMM = GMM
self.patch_size = patch_size
if pretrained:
if pretrained[-3:] == ".pt":
ckpt = torch.load(pretrained)
if pretrained.startswith("GMM_lodopab_small"):
assert patch_size == 3
assert channels == 1
file_name = pretrained + ".pt"
elif (
(pretrained == "GMM_BSDS_gray" or pretrained == "download")
and patch_size == 6
and channels == 1
file_name = ""
elif (
(pretrained == "GMM_BSDS_color" or pretrained == "download")
and patch_size == 6
and channels == 3
file_name = ""
raise ValueError(
"No pretrained weights found for this configuration!"
url = get_weights_url(model_name="EPLL", file_name=file_name)
ckpt = torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(
url, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage, file_name=file_name
def forward(self, y, physics, sigma=None, x_init=None, betas=None, batch_size=-1):
Approximated half-quadratic splitting method for image reconstruction as proposed by Zoran and Weiss.
:param torch.Tensor y: tensor of observations. Shape: batch size x ...
:param torch.Tensor, None x_init: tensor of initializations. If ``None`` uses initializes with the adjoint of the forward operator.
Shape: batch size x channels x height x width
:param deepinv.physics.LinearPhysics physics: Forward linear operator.
:param list[float] betas: parameters from the half-quadratic splitting. ``None`` uses the standard choice ``[1,4,8,16,32]/sigma_sq``
:param int batch_size: batching the patch estimations for large images. No effect on the output, but a small value reduces the memory consumption
but might increase the computation time. -1 for considering all patches at once.
x_init = physics.A_adjoint(y) if x_init is None else x_init
if sigma is None:
if hasattr(physics.noise_model, "sigma"):
sigma = physics.noise_model.sigma
raise ValueError(
"Noise level sigma has to be provided if not present in the physics model."
if betas is None:
# default choice as suggested in Parameswaran et al. "Accelerating GMM-Based Patch Priors for Image Restoration: Three Ingredients for a 100× Speed-Up"
betas = [beta / sigma**2 for beta in [1.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, 32.0]]
if y.shape[0] > 1:
# vectorization over a batch of images not implemented....
y[i : i + 1],
x_init[i : i + 1],
for i in range(y.shape[0])
x = x_init
Aty = physics.A_adjoint(y)
for beta in betas:
x = self._reconstruction_step(Aty, x, sigma**2, beta, physics, batch_size)
return x
def negative_log_likelihood(self, x):
Takes patches and returns the negative log likelihood of the GMM for each patch.
:param torch.Tensor x: tensor of patches of shape batch_size x number of patches per batch x patch_dimensions
B, n_patches = x.shape[0:2]
logpz = self.GMM(x.view(B * n_patches, -1))
return logpz.view(B, n_patches)
def _reconstruction_step(self, Aty, x, sigma_sq, beta, physics, batch_size):
# precomputations for GMM with covariance regularization
self.GMM.set_cov_reg(1.0 / beta)
N, M = x.shape[2:4]
total_patch_number = (N - self.patch_size + 1) * (M - self.patch_size + 1)
if batch_size == -1 or batch_size > total_patch_number:
batch_size = total_patch_number
# compute sum P_i^T z and sum P_i^T P_i on the fly with batching
x_tilde_flattened = torch.zeros_like(x).reshape(-1)
patch_multiplicities = torch.zeros_like(x).reshape(-1)
# batching loop over all patches in the image
ind = 0
while ind < total_patch_number:
# extract patches
n_patches = min(batch_size, total_patch_number - ind)
patch_inds = torch.LongTensor(range(ind, ind + n_patches)).to(x.device)
patches, linear_inds = patch_extractor(
x, n_patches, self.patch_size, position_inds_linear=patch_inds
patches = patches.reshape(patches.shape[0] * patches.shape[1], -1)
linear_inds = linear_inds.reshape(patches.shape[0], -1)
# Gaussian selection
k_star = self.GMM.classify(patches, cov_regularization=True)
# Patch estimation
estimation_matrices = torch.bmm(
self.GMM.get_cov_inv_reg(), self.GMM.get_cov()
estimation_matrices_k_star = estimation_matrices[k_star]
patch_estimates = torch.bmm(
estimation_matrices_k_star, patches[:, :, None]
).reshape(patches.shape[0], patches.shape[1])
# update on-the-fly parameters
# the following two lines are the same like
# patch_multiplicities[linear_inds] += 1.0
# x_tilde_flattened[linear_inds] += patch_estimates
# where values of multiple indices are accumulated.
(linear_inds,), torch.ones_like(patch_estimates), accumulate=True
(linear_inds,), patch_estimates, accumulate=True
ind = ind + n_patches
# compute x_tilde
x_tilde_flattened /= patch_multiplicities
# Image estimation by CG method
rhs = Aty + beta * sigma_sq * x_tilde_flattened.view(x.shape)
op = lambda im: physics.A_adjoint(physics.A(im)) + beta * sigma_sq * im
hat_x = conjugate_gradient(op, rhs, max_iter=1e2, tol=1e-5)
return hat_x