DeepInverse: a PyTorch library for imaging with deep learning#
DeepInverse is a PyTorch-based library for solving imaging inverse problems with deep learning.
Github repository: deepinv/deepinv.
Large collection of predefined imaging operators (MRI, CT, deblurring, inpainting, etc.)
Training losses for inverse problems (self-supervised learning, regularization, etc.).
Many pretrained deep denoisers which can be used for plug-and-play restoration.
Framework for building datasets for inverse problems.
Easy-to-build unfolded architectures (ADMM, forward-backward, deep equilibrium, etc.).
Diffusion algorithms for image restoration and uncertainty quantification (Langevin, diffusion, etc.).
A large number of well-explained examples, from basics to state-of-the-art methods.

Lead Developers
Julian Tachella, Dongdong Chen, Samuel Hurault, Matthieu Terris and Andrew Wang.