Diffusion Algorithms

This package contains posterior sampling algorithms.

\[- \log p(x|y,A) \propto d(Ax,y) + \reg{x},\]

where \(x\) is the image to be reconstructed, \(y\) are the measurements, \(d(Ax,y) \propto - \log p(y|x,A)\) is the negative log-likelihood and \(\reg{x} \propto - \log p_{\sigma}(x)\) is the negative log-prior.

The negative log likelihood can be set using deepinv.optim.DataFidelity(), which includes Gaussian noise, Poisson noise, etc. The negative log prior can be approximated using deepinv.optim.ScorePrior() with a pretrained denoiser, which leverages Tweedie’s formula, i.e.,

\[- \nabla \log p_{\sigma}(x) \propto \left(x-\denoiser{x}{\sigma}\right)/\sigma^2\]

where \(p_{\sigma} = p*\mathcal{N}(0,I\sigma^2)\) is the prior convolved with a Gaussian kernel, \(\denoiser{\cdot}{\sigma}\) is a (trained or model-based) denoiser with noise level \(\sigma\), which is typically set to a low value.


The approximation of the prior obtained via deepinv.optim.ScorePrior() is also valid for maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) denoisers, but \(p_{\sigma}(x)\) is not given by the convolution with a Gaussian kernel, but rather given by the Moreau-Yosida envelope of \(p(x)\), i.e.,

\[p_{\sigma}(x)=e^{- \inf_z \left(-\log p(z) + \frac{1}{2\sigma}\|x-z\|^2 \right)}.\]


Base class for Monte Carlo sampling.


We provide various sota diffusion methods for sampling from the posterior distribution. Diffusion methods produce a sample from the posterior x given a measurement y as x = model(y, physics), where model is the diffusion algorithm and physics is the forward operator.


Denoising Diffusion Restoration Models (DDRM).


Diffusion PnP Image Restoration (DiffPIR).


Diffusion Posterior Sampling (DPS).

Diffusion methods obtain a single sample per call. If multiple samples are required, the deepinv.sampling.DiffusionSampler can be used to convert a diffusion method into a sampler that obtains multiple samples to compute posterior statistics such as the mean or variance.


Turns a diffusion method into a Monte Carlo sampler

Markov Chain Monte Carlo Langevin

We also provide MCMC methods for sampling from the posterior distribution based on the unadjusted Langevin algorithm.


Projected Plug-and-Play Unadjusted Langevin Algorithm.


Plug-and-Play SKROCK algorithm.