This package contains a large collection of forward operators appearing in imaging applications. The acquisition models are of the form
where \(x\in\xset\) is an image, \(y\in\yset\) are the measurements, \(A:\xset\mapsto \yset\) is a deterministic (linear or non-linear) operator capturing the physics of the acquisition and \(N:\yset\mapsto \yset\) is a mapping which characterizes the noise affecting the measurements.
All forward operators inherit the structure of the Physics()
Parent class for forward operators |
They are torch.nn.Module
which can be called with the forward
>>> import torch
>>> import deepinv as dinv
>>> # load an inpainting operator that masks 50% of the pixels and adds Gaussian noise
>>> physics = dinv.physics.Inpainting(mask=.5, tensor_size=(1, 28, 28),
... noise_model=dinv.physics.GaussianNoise(sigma=.05))
>>> x = torch.rand(1, 1, 28, 28) # create a random image
>>> y = physics(x) # compute noisy measurements
>>> y2 = physics.A(x) # compute the A operator (no noise)
Linear operators
Linear operators \(A:\xset\mapsto \yset\) inherit the structure of the deepinv.physics.LinearPhysics()
They have important specific properties such as the existence of an adjoint \(A^*:\yset\mapsto \xset\).
Linear operators with a closed-form singular value decomposition are defined via deepinv.physics.DecomposablePhysics()
which enables the efficient computation of their pseudo-inverse and regularized inverse.
Composition and linear combinations of linear operators is still a linear operator.
>>> import torch
>>> import deepinv as dinv
>>> # load a CS operator with 300 measurements, acting on 28 x 28 grayscale images.
>>> physics = dinv.physics.CompressedSensing(m=300, img_shape=(1, 28, 28))
>>> x = torch.rand(1, 1, 28, 28) # create a random image
>>> y = physics(x) # compute noisy measurements
>>> y2 = physics.A(x) # compute the linear operator (no noise)
>>> x_adj = physics.A_adjoint(y) # compute the adjoint operator
>>> x_dagger = physics.A_dagger(y) # compute the pseudo-inverse operator
>>> x_prox = physics.prox_l2(x, y, .1) # compute a regularized inverse
More details can be found in the doc of each class:
Parent class for linear operators. |
Parent class for linear operators with SVD decomposition. |
Parameter-dependent operators
Many (linear or non-linear) operators depend on (optional) parameters \(\theta\) that describe the imaging system, ie
\(y = \noise{\forw{x, \theta}}\) where
the forward
method can be called with a dictionary of parameters as an extra input. The explicit dependency on
\(\theta\) is often useful for blind inverse problems, model identification, imaging system optimization, etc.
The following example shows how operators and their parameter can be instantiated and called as:
>>> import torch
>>> from deepinv.physics import Blur
>>> x = torch.rand((1, 1, 16, 16))
>>> theta = torch.ones((1, 1, 2, 2)) / 4 # a basic 2x2 averaging filter
>>> # default usage
>>> physics = Blur(filter=theta) # we instantiate a blur operator with its convolution filter
>>> y = physics(x)
>>> theta2 = torch.randn((1, 1, 2, 2)) # a random 2x2 filter
>>> physics.update_parameters(filter=theta2)
>>> y2 = physics(x)
>>> # A second possibility
>>> physics = Blur() # a blur operator without convolution filter
>>> y = physics(x, filter=theta) # we define the blur by specifying its filter
>>> y = physics(x) # now, the filter is well-defined and this line does the same as above
>>> # The same can be done by passing in a dictionary including 'filter' as a key
>>> physics = Blur() # a blur operator without convolution filter
>>> dict_params = {'filter': theta, 'dummy': None}
>>> y = physics(x, **dict_params) # # we define the blur by passing in the dictionary
Physics Generators
We provide some parameters generation methods to sample random parameters’ \(\theta\).
Physics generators inherit from the PhysicsGenerator()
Base class for parameter generation of physics parameters. |
>>> import torch
>>> import deepinv as dinv
>>> x = torch.rand((1, 1, 8, 8))
>>> physics = dinv.physics.Blur(filter=dinv.physics.blur.gaussian_blur(.2))
>>> y = physics(x) # compute with Gaussian blur
>>> generator = dinv.physics.generator.MotionBlurGenerator(psf_size=(3, 3))
>>> params = generator.step(x.size(0)) # params = {'filter': torch.tensor(...)}
>>> y1 = physics(x, **params) # compute with motion blur
>>> assert not torch.allclose(y, y1) # different blurs, different outputs
>>> y2 = physics(x) # motion kernel is stored in the physics object as default kernel
>>> assert torch.allclose(y1, y2) # same blur, same output
If we want to generate both a new physics and noise parameters, it is possible to sum generators as follows:
>>> mask_generator = dinv.physics.generator.SigmaGenerator() \
... + dinv.physics.generator.RandomMaskGenerator((32, 32))
>>> params = mask_generator.step(batch_size=4)
>>> print(sorted(params.keys()))
['mask', 'sigma']
It is also possible to mix generators of physics parameters through the GeneratorMixture()
Base class for mixing multiple |
Forward operators
Various popular forward operators are provided with efficient implementations.
Pixelwise operators
Pixelwise operators operate in the pixel domain and are used for denoising, inpainting, decolorization, etc.
Forward operator for denoising problems. |
Inpainting forward operator, keeps a subset of entries. |
Converts RGB images to grayscale. |
Demosaicing operator. |
For random inpainting we also provide generators to create random masks on-the-fly. These can also be used as splitting masks for deepinv.loss.SplittingLoss
and its variations.
Base generator for splitting/inpainting masks. |
Randomly generate Gaussian splitting/inpainting masks. |
Phase2Phase splitting mask generator for dynamic data. |
Artifact2Artifact splitting mask generator for dynamic data. |
Blur & Super-Resolution
Different types of blur operators are available, from simple stationary kernels to space-varying ones.
Blur operator. |
FFT-based blur operator. |
Implements a space varying blur via product-convolution. |
Downsampling operator for super-resolution problems. |
We provide the implementation of typical blur kernels such as Gaussian, bilinear, bicubic, etc.
Gaussian blur filter. |
Bilinear filter. |
Bicubic filter. |
Anti-aliasing sinc filter multiplied by a Kaiser window. |
We also provide a set of generators to simulate various types of blur, which can be used to train blind or semi-blind deblurring networks.
Random motion blur generator. |
Diffraction limited blur generator. |
Generates 3D diffraction limited kernels in optics using Zernike decomposition of the phase mask (Fresnel/Fraunhoffer diffraction theory). |
Generates parameters of space-varying blurs. |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
In MRI, the Fourier transform is sampled on a grid (FFT) or off-the grid, with a single coil or multiple coils. We provide 2D and 2D+t dynamic MRI physics.
Single-coil accelerated magnetic resonance imaging. |
Single-coil accelerated dynamic magnetic resonance imaging. |
Single-coil accelerated magnetic resonance imaging using sequential sampling. |
We provide generators for creating random and non-random acceleration masks using Cartesian sampling, for both static (k) and dynamic (k-t) accelerated MRI:
Base generator for MRI acceleration masks. |
Generator for MRI Cartesian acceleration masks using Gaussian undersampling. |
Generator for MRI Cartesian acceleration masks using random uniform undersampling. |
Generator for MRI Cartesian acceleration masks using uniform (equispaced) non-random undersampling with random offset. |
Tomography is based on the Radon-transform which computes line-integrals.
(Computed) Tomography operator. |
Remote Sensing
Remote sensing operators are used to simulate the acquisition of satellite data.
Pansharpening forward operator. |
Compressive operators
Compressive operators are implemented in the following classes:
Compressed Sensing forward operator. |
Single pixel imaging camera. |
Radio interferometric imaging
The radio interferometric imaging operator is implemented in the following class:
Radio Interferometry measurement operator. |
Single-photon lidar
Single-photon lidar is a popular technique for depth ranging and imaging.
Single photon lidar operator for depth ranging. |
Haze operators are used to capture the physics of light scattering in the atmosphere.
Standard haze model |
Phase retrieval
Operators where \(A:\xset\mapsto \yset\) is of the form \(A(x) = |Bx|^2\) with \(B\) a linear operator.
Phase Retrieval base class corresponding to the operator |
Random Phase Retrieval forward operator. |
Noise distributions
Noise mappings \(N:\yset\mapsto \yset\) are simple torch.nn.Module
The noise of a forward operator can be set in its construction
or simply as
>>> import torch
>>> import deepinv as dinv
>>> # load a CS operator with 300 measurements, acting on 28 x 28 grayscale images.
>>> physics = dinv.physics.CompressedSensing(m=300, img_shape=(1, 28, 28))
>>> physics.noise_model = dinv.physics.GaussianNoise(sigma=.05) # set up the noise
Gaussian noise \(y=z+\epsilon\) where \(\epsilon\sim \mathcal{N}(0,I\sigma^2)\). |
Log-Poisson noise \(y = \frac{1}{\mu} \log(\frac{\mathcal{P}(\exp(-\mu x) N_0)}{N_0})\). |
Poisson noise \(y = \mathcal{P}(\frac{x}{\gamma})\) with gain \(\gamma>0\). |
Poisson-Gaussian noise \(y = \gamma z + \epsilon\) where \(z\sim\mathcal{P}(\frac{x}{\gamma})\) and \(\epsilon\sim\mathcal{N}(0, I \sigma^2)\). |
Uniform noise \(y = x + \epsilon\) where \(\epsilon\sim\mathcal{U}(-a,a)\). |
Gaussian noise \(y=z+\epsilon\) where \(\epsilon\sim \mathcal{N}(0,I\sigma^2)\) and \(\sigma \sim\mathcal{U}(\sigma_{\text{min}}, \sigma_{\text{max}})\) |
Gamma noise \(y = \mathcal{G}(\ell, x/\ell)\) |
The parameters of noise distributions can also be created from a deepinv.physics.generator.PhysicsGenerator()
which is useful for training and evaluating methods under various noise conditions.
Generator for the noise level \(\sigma\) in the Gaussian noise model. |
Defining new operators
Defining a new forward operator is relatively simple. You need to create a new class that inherits from the right
physics class, that is deepinv.physics.Physics()
for non-linear operators,
for linear operators and deepinv.physics.DecomposablePhysics()
for linear operators with a closed-form singular value decomposition. The only requirement is to define
a deepinv.physics.Physics.A
method that computes the forward operator. See the
example Creating a forward operator. for more details.
You can also inherit from mixin classes to provide useful methods for your physics:
Base class for temporal capabilities for physics and models. |
Defining a new linear operator requires the definition of deepinv.physics.LinearPhysics.A_adjoint
you can define the adjoint automatically using autograd with
Provides the adjoint function of a linear operator \(A\), i.e., \(A^{\top}\). |
Note however that coding a closed form adjoint is generally more efficient.
The toolbox is based on efficient PyTorch implementations of basic operations such as diagonal multipliers, Fourier transforms, convolutions, product-convolutions, Radon transform, interpolation mappings.
Similar to the PyTorch structure, they are available within deepinv.physics.functional
A helper function performing the 2d convolution of images |
A helper function performing the 2d transposed convolution 2d of x and filter. |
A helper function performing the 2d convolution of images |
A helper function performing the 2d transposed convolution 2d of |
A helper function performing the 3d convolution of |
A helper function performing the 3d transposed convolution of |
Product-convolution operator in 2d. |
Implements diagonal matrices or multipliers \(x\) and mult. |
Implements the adjoint of diagonal matrices or multipliers \(x\) and mult. |
Sparse Radon transform operator. |
Inverse sparse Radon transform operator. |
Computes the multidimensional histogram of a tensor. |
Computes the histogram of a tensor. |
>>> import torch
>>> import deepinv as dinv
>>> x = torch.zeros((1, 1, 16, 16)) # Define black image of size 16x16
>>> x[:, :, 8, 8] = 1 # Define one white pixel in the middle
>>> filter = torch.ones((1, 1, 3, 3)) / 4
>>> padding = "circular"
>>> Ax = dinv.physics.functional.conv2d(x, filter, padding)
>>> print(Ax[:, :, 7:10, 7:10])
tensor([[[[0.2500, 0.2500, 0.2500],
[0.2500, 0.2500, 0.2500],
[0.2500, 0.2500, 0.2500]]]])
>>> _ = torch.manual_seed(0)
>>> y = torch.randn_like(Ax)
>>> z = dinv.physics.functional.conv_transpose2d(y, filter, padding)
>>> print((Ax * y).sum(dim=(1, 2, 3)) - (x * z).sum(dim=(1, 2, 3)))