Iterative Reconstruction (PnP, RED, etc.)#

Many image reconstruction algorithms can be shown to be solving minimization problems of the form

\[\begin{equation*} \label{eq:min_prob} \underset{x}{\arg\min} \quad \datafid{x}{y} + \lambda \reg{x}, \end{equation*}\]

where \(\datafidname:\xset\times\yset \mapsto \mathbb{R}_{+}\) is a data-fidelity term, \(\regname:\xset\mapsto \mathbb{R}_{+}\) is a prior term, and \(\lambda\) is a positive scalar. The data-fidelity term measures the discrepancy between the reconstruction \(x\) and the data \(y\), and the prior term enforces some prior knowledge on the reconstruction.

The data fidelity \(f\) term is generally set as the negative log-likelihood \(\datafid{x}{y} \propto - \log p(y|A(x))\). See the available data fidelity terms.

The prior term \(g_{\sigma}\) can be chosen as (See available options):




Explicit prior (\(\ell_1\), total-variation, etc.).

Plug-and-Play (PnP)

Replace \(\operatorname{prox}_{\lambda g}(x)=\denoiser{x}{\sigma}\) where \(\denoisername\) is a pretrained denoiser.

Regularization by Denoising (RED)

Replace \(\nabla g(x)= x-\denoiser{x}{\sigma}\) where \(\denoisername\) is a pretrained denoiser.

Implementing an Algorithm#

Iterative algorithms can be easily implemented using the optim module, which provides many pre-implemented data-fidelity and prior terms (including PnP and RED), as well as many off-the-shelf optimization algorithms.

For example, a PnP proximal gradient descent (PGD) algorithm for solving the inverse problem \(y = \noise{\forw{x}}\) reads

\[\begin{split}\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} u_{k} &= x_k - \gamma \nabla \datafid{x_k}{y} \\ x_{k+1} &= \denoiser{u_k}{\sigma}, \end{aligned} \end{equation*}\end{split}\]

where \(f(x)=\frac{1}{2}\|y-\forw{x}\|^2\) is a standard data-fidelity term, and the prior is implicitly defined by a median filter denoiser, can be implemented as follows:

>>> import deepinv as dinv
>>> from deepinv.utils import load_url_image
>>> url = ("")
>>> x = load_url_image(url=url, img_size=512, grayscale=True, device='cpu')
>>> physics = dinv.physics.Inpainting((1, 512, 512), mask = 0.5,
...                                    noise_model=dinv.physics.GaussianNoise(sigma=0.01))
>>> data_fidelity = dinv.optim.data_fidelity.L2()
>>> prior = dinv.optim.prior.PnP(denoiser=dinv.models.MedianFilter())
>>> model = dinv.optim.optim_builder(iteration="PGD", prior=prior, data_fidelity=data_fidelity,
...                                  params_algo={"stepsize": 1.0, "g_param": 0.1})
>>> y = physics(x)
>>> x_hat = model(y, physics)
>>> dinv.utils.plot([x, y, x_hat], ["signal", "measurement", "estimate"], rescale_mode='clip')


While we offer predefined optimization iterators (in this case proximal gradient descent), it is possible to use the optim class with any custom optimization algorithm. See the example PnP with custom optimization algorithm (Condat-Vu Primal-Dual) for more details.

Predefined Iterative Algorithms#

We also provide pre-implemented iterative optimization algorithms, which can be loaded in a single line of code, and used to solve any inverse problem. The following algorithms are available:

Table 10 Predefined methods#




Custom PnP algorithm with early stopping.


Patch-based reconstruction algorithm