Stacking and concatenating forward operators.

In this example, we show how to stack and concatenate forward operators to create new operators. In particular, we create a pan-sharpening operator by stacking a downsampling and a color-to-grayscale operators.

import deepinv as dinv
import torch

Stacking forward operators.

We can define a new forward operator by stacking or concatenating existing operators. Mathematically, this is equivalent to obtaining

\[\begin{split}\begin{bmatrix} y_1 \\ y_2 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} A_1 \\ A_2 \end{bmatrix} x\end{split}\]

Here we show how to stack two operators, one that downsamples a color image and another that converts the color image grayscale. This is equivalent to the deepinv.physics.Pansharpen operator.

img_size = (3, 64, 64)
factor = 2
filter = "gaussian"
device = dinv.utils.get_freer_gpu() if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"

physics1 = dinv.physics.Downsampling(
    img_size=img_size, factor=factor, filter=filter, device=device
physics2 = dinv.physics.Decolorize(device=device)
physics_stacked = physics2 + physics1

Generate toy image

This example uses a toy image with 3 color channels.

The measurements of a stacked operator are deepinv.utils.TensorList objects, which are lists of tensors that can be added, multiplied, etc. to other deepinv.utils.TensorList objects. It is also possible to generate random or zero-filled deepinv.utils.TensorList objects in one line of code (similarly to standard torch.Tensor).

x = torch.zeros((1,) + img_size, device=device)
x[:, 0, 16:48, 16:48] = 0.7

y = physics_stacked(x)
xlin = physics_stacked.A_dagger(y)  # compute the linear pseudo-inverse

    [x, y[0], y[1], xlin],
    titles=["image", "high-res grayscale", "low-res color", "linear rec."],
image, high-res grayscale, low-res color, linear rec.

Verifying the stacked operator

If the operator is linear, it is recommended to verify that the transpose well-defined using deepinv.physics.LinearPhysics.adjointness_test(), and that it has a unit norm using deepinv.physics.LinearPhysics.compute_norm().

print(f"The stacked operator has norm={physics_stacked.compute_norm(x):.2f}")

if physics_stacked.adjointness_test(x) < 1e-5:
    print("The stacked operator has a well defined transpose")
Power iteration converged at iteration 22, value=0.68
The stacked operator has norm=0.68
The stacked operator has a well defined transpose

Concatenating forward operators.

It is also possible to concatenate operators using the * operator between two forward operators. Here we create a new operator that first downsamples the image, and then converts it to grayscale.

physics_concat = physics2 * physics1

y = physics_concat(x)
xlin = physics_concat.A_dagger(y)  # compute the linear pseudo-inverse

dinv.utils.plot([x, y, xlin], titles=["image", "measurement", "linear rec."])
image, measurement, linear rec.

Verifying the concatenated operator

print(f"The concatenated operator has norm={physics_concat.compute_norm(x):.2f}")

if physics_concat.adjointness_test(x) < 1e-5:
    print("The concatenated operator has a well defined transpose")
Power iteration converged at iteration 9, value=0.11
The concatenated operator has norm=0.11
The concatenated operator has a well defined transpose

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.372 seconds)

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