A tour of blur operators#

This example provides a tour of 2D blur operators in DeepInv. In particular, we show how to use DiffractionBlurs (Fresnel diffraction), motion blurs and space varying blurs.

import torch

import deepinv as dinv
from deepinv.utils.plotting import plot
from deepinv.utils.demo import load_url_image, get_image_url

First, let’s load some test images.

dtype = torch.float32
device = "cpu"
img_size = (173, 125)

url = get_image_url("CBSD_0010.png")
x_rgb = load_url_image(
    url, grayscale=False, device=device, dtype=dtype, img_size=img_size

url = get_image_url("barbara.jpeg")
x_gray = load_url_image(
    url, grayscale=True, device=device, dtype=dtype, img_size=img_size

# Next, set the global random seed from pytorch to ensure reproducibility of the example.

We are now ready to explore the different blur operators.

Convolution Basics#

The class deepinv.physics.Blur implements convolution operations with kernels.

For instance, here is the convolution of a grayscale image with a grayscale filter:

filter_0 = dinv.physics.blur.gaussian_blur(sigma=(2, 0.1), angle=0.0)
physics = dinv.physics.Blur(filter_0, device=device)
y = physics(x_gray)
    [x_gray, filter_0, y],
    titles=["signal", "filter", "measurement"],
    suptitle="Grayscale convolution",
Grayscale convolution, signal, filter, measurement

When a single channel filter is used, all channels are convolved with the same filter:

physics = dinv.physics.Blur(filter_0, device=device)
y = physics(x_rgb)
    [x_rgb, filter_0, y],
    titles=["signal", "filter", "measurement"],
    suptitle="RGB image + grayscale filter convolution",
RGB image + grayscale filter convolution, signal, filter, measurement

By default, the boundary conditions are 'valid', but other options among ('circular', 'reflect', 'replicate') are possible:

physics = dinv.physics.Blur(filter_0, padding="reflect", device=device)
y = physics(x_rgb)
    [x_rgb, filter_0, y],
    titles=["signal", "filter", "measurement"],
    suptitle="Reflection boundary conditions",
Reflection boundary conditions, signal, filter, measurement

For circular boundary conditions, an FFT implementation is also available. It is slower that deepinv.physics.Blur, but inherits from deepinv.physics.DecomposablePhysics, so that the pseudo-inverse and regularized inverse are computed faster and more accurately.

physics = dinv.physics.BlurFFT(img_size=x_rgb[0].shape, filter=filter_0, device=device)
y = physics(x_rgb)
    [x_rgb, filter_0, y],
    titles=["signal", "filter", "measurement"],
    suptitle="FFT convolution with circular boundary conditions",
FFT convolution with circular boundary conditions, signal, filter, measurement

One can also change the blur filter in the forward pass as follows:

filter_90 = dinv.physics.blur.gaussian_blur(sigma=(2, 0.1), angle=90.0).to(
    device=device, dtype=dtype
y = physics(x_rgb, filter=filter_90)
    [x_rgb, filter_90, y],
    titles=["signal", "filter", "measurement"],
    suptitle="Changing the filter on the fly",
Changing the filter on the fly, signal, filter, measurement

When applied to a new image, the last filter is used:

y = physics(x_gray, filter=filter_90)
    [x_gray, filter_90, y],
    titles=["signal", "filter", "measurement"],
    suptitle="Effect of on the fly change is persistent",
Effect of on the fly change is persistent, signal, filter, measurement

We can also define color filters. In that situation, each channel is convolved with the corresponding channel of the filter:

psf_size = 9
filter_rgb = torch.zeros((1, 3, psf_size, psf_size), device=device, dtype=dtype)
filter_rgb[:, 0, :, psf_size // 2 : psf_size // 2 + 1] = 1.0 / psf_size
filter_rgb[:, 1, psf_size // 2 : psf_size // 2 + 1, :] = 1.0 / psf_size
filter_rgb[:, 2, ...] = (
    torch.diag(torch.ones(psf_size, device=device, dtype=dtype)) / psf_size
y = physics(x_rgb, filter=filter_rgb)
    [x_rgb, filter_rgb, y],
    titles=["signal", "Colour filter", "measurement"],
    suptitle="Color image + color filter convolution",
Color image + color filter convolution, signal, Colour filter, measurement

Blur generators#

More advanced kernel generation methods are provided with the toolbox thanks to the deepinv.physics.generator.PSFGenerator. In particular, motion blurs generators are implemented.

Motion blur generators#

from deepinv.physics.generator import MotionBlurGenerator

In order to generate motion blur kernels, we just need to instantiate a generator with specific the psf size. In turn, motion blurs can be generated on the fly by calling the step() method. Let’s illustrate this now and generate 3 motion blurs. First, we instantiate the generator:

To generate new filters, we call the step() function:

filters = motion_generator.step(batch_size=3)
# the `step()` function returns a dictionary:
    [f for f in filters["filter"]],
    suptitle="Examples of randomly generated motion blurs",
Examples of randomly generated motion blurs

Other options, such as the regularity and length of the blur trajectory can also be specified:

motion_generator = MotionBlurGenerator(
    (psf_size, psf_size), l=0.6, sigma=1, device=device, dtype=dtype
filters = motion_generator.step(batch_size=3)
plot([f for f in filters["filter"]], suptitle="Different length and regularity")
Different length and regularity

Diffraction blur generators#

We also implemented diffraction blurs obtained through Fresnel theory and definition of the psf through the pupil plane expanded in Zernike polynomials

from deepinv.physics.generator import DiffractionBlurGenerator

diffraction_generator = DiffractionBlurGenerator(
    (psf_size, psf_size), device=device, dtype=dtype

Then, to generate new filters, it suffices to call the step() function as follows:

filters = diffraction_generator.step(batch_size=3)

In this case, the step() function returns a dictionary containing the filters, their pupil function and Zernike coefficients:


# Note that we use **0.2 to increase the image dynamics
    [f for f in filters["filter"] ** 0.5],
    suptitle="Examples of randomly generated diffraction blurs",
        for f in torch.angle(filters["pupil"][:, None])
        * torch.abs(filters["pupil"][:, None])
    suptitle="Corresponding pupil phases",
print("Coefficients of the decomposition on Zernike polynomials")
  • Examples of randomly generated diffraction blurs
  • Corresponding pupil phases
dict_keys(['filter', 'coeff', 'pupil'])
Coefficients of the decomposition on Zernike polynomials
tensor([[-0.0349,  0.0559, -0.0247, -0.0145,  0.0431, -0.0064, -0.0642,  0.0707],
        [ 0.0322, -0.0109, -0.0623, -0.0014, -0.0501, -0.0519, -0.0204,  0.0022],
        [ 0.0318,  0.0568,  0.0515,  0.0732,  0.0089, -0.0096, -0.0559, -0.0335]])

We can change the cutoff frequency (below 1/4 to respect Shannon’s sampling theorem)

diffraction_generator = DiffractionBlurGenerator(
    (psf_size, psf_size), fc=1 / 8, device=device, dtype=dtype
filters = diffraction_generator.step(batch_size=3)
    [f for f in filters["filter"] ** 0.5],
    suptitle="A different cutoff frequency",
A different cutoff frequency

It is also possible to directly specify the Zernike decomposition. For instance, if the pupil is null, the PSF is the Airy pattern

n_zernike = len(
)  # number of Zernike coefficients in the decomposition
filters = diffraction_generator.step(coeff=torch.zeros(3, n_zernike))
    [f for f in filters["filter"][:, None] ** 0.3],
    suptitle="Airy pattern",
Airy pattern

Finally, notice that you can activate the aberrations you want in the ANSI nomenclature https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zernike_polynomials#OSA/ANSI_standard_indices

diffraction_generator = DiffractionBlurGenerator(
    (psf_size, psf_size), fc=1 / 8, list_param=["Z5", "Z6"], device=device, dtype=dtype
filters = diffraction_generator.step(batch_size=3)
    [f for f in filters["filter"] ** 0.5],
    suptitle="PSF obtained with astigmatism only",
PSF obtained with astigmatism only

Generator Mixture#

During training, it’s more robust to train on multiple family of operators. This can be done seamlessly with the deepinv.physics.generator.GeneratorMixture.

from deepinv.physics.generator import GeneratorMixture


generator = GeneratorMixture(
    ([motion_generator, diffraction_generator]), probs=[0.5, 0.5]
for i in range(4):
    filters = generator.step(batch_size=3)
        [f for f in filters["filter"]],
        suptitle=f"Random PSF generated at step {i + 1}",
  • Random PSF generated at step 1
  • Random PSF generated at step 2
  • Random PSF generated at step 3
  • Random PSF generated at step 4

Space varying blurs#

Space varying blurs are also available using deepinv.physics.SpaceVaryingBlur

from deepinv.physics.generator import (
from deepinv.physics.blur import SpaceVaryingBlur

psf_size = 32
img_size = (256, 256)
n_eigenpsf = 10
spacing = (64, 64)
padding = "valid"
batch_size = 1
delta = 16

# We first instantiate a psf generator
psf_generator = DiffractionBlurGenerator(
    (psf_size, psf_size), device=device, dtype=dtype
# Now, scattered random psfs are synthesized and interpolated spatially
pc_generator = ProductConvolutionBlurGenerator(
params_pc = pc_generator.step(batch_size)

physics = SpaceVaryingBlur(method="product_convolution2d", **params_pc)

dirac_comb = torch.zeros(img_size)[None, None]
dirac_comb[0, 0, ::delta, ::delta] = 1
psf_grid = physics(dirac_comb)
plot(psf_grid, titles="Space varying impulse responses")
Space varying impulse responses

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.388 seconds)

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