class deepinv.loss.metric.ERGAS(factor, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Metric

Error relative global dimensionless synthesis metric.

Calculates the ERGAS metric on a multispectral image and a target. ERGAS is a popular metric for pan-sharpening of multispectral images.

Wraps the torchmetrics ERGAS function. Note that our reduction parameter follows our uniform convention (see below).


By default, no reduction is performed in the batch dimension.


>>> import torch
>>> from deepinv.loss.metric import ERGAS
>>> m = ERGAS(factor=4)
>>> x_net = x = torch.ones(3, 2, 8, 8) # B,C,H,W
>>> m(x_net, x)
tensor([0., 0., 0.])
  • factor (int) – pansharpening factor.

  • train_loss (bool) – use metric as a training loss, by returning one minus the metric.

  • reduction (str) – a method to reduce metric score over individual batch scores. mean: takes the mean, sum takes the sum, none or None no reduction will be applied (default).

  • norm_inputs (str) – normalize images before passing to metric. l2``normalizes by L2 spatial norm, ``min_max normalizes by min and max of each input.

Examples using ERGAS:#

Remote sensing with satellite images

Remote sensing with satellite images