
class deepinv.physics.LinearPhysics(A=lambda x, **kwargs: ..., A_adjoint=lambda x, **kwargs: ..., noise_model=lambda x, **kwargs: ..., sensor_model=lambda x: ..., max_iter=50, tol=1e-4, solver='CG', **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Physics

Parent class for linear operators.

It describes the linear forward measurement process of the form

\[y = N(A(x))\]

where \(x\) is an image of \(n\) pixels, \(y\) is the measurements of size \(m\), \(A:\xset\mapsto \yset\) is a deterministic linear mapping capturing the physics of the acquisition and \(N:\yset\mapsto \yset\) is a stochastic mapping which characterizes the noise affecting the measurements.

  • A (Callable) – forward operator function which maps an image to the observed measurements \(x\mapsto y\). It is recommended to normalize it to have unit norm.

  • A_adjoint (Callable) –

    transpose of the forward operator, which should verify the adjointness test.


    A_adjoint can be generated automatically using the deepinv.physics.adjoint_function() method which relies on automatic differentiation, at the cost of a few extra computations per adjoint call.

  • noise_model (Callable) – function that adds noise to the measurements \(N(z)\). See the noise module for some predefined functions.

  • sensor_model (Callable) – function that incorporates any sensor non-linearities to the sensing process, such as quantization or saturation, defined as a function \(\eta(z)\), such that \(y=\eta\left(N(A(x))\right)\). By default, the sensor_model is set to the identity \(\eta(z)=z\).

  • max_iter (int) – If the operator does not have a closed form pseudoinverse, the conjugate gradient algorithm is used for computing it, and this parameter fixes the maximum number of conjugate gradient iterations.

  • tol (float) – If the operator does not have a closed form pseudoinverse, a least squares algorithm is used for computing it, and this parameter fixes the relative tolerance of the least squares algorithm.

  • solver (str) – least squares solver to use. Choose between 'CG', 'lsqr' and 'BiCGStab'. See deepinv.optim.utils.least_squares() for more details.


Blur operator with a basic averaging filter applied to a 32x32 black image with a single white pixel in the center:

>>> from deepinv.physics.blur import Blur, Downsampling
>>> x = torch.zeros((1, 1, 32, 32)) # Define black image of size 32x32
>>> x[:, :, 16, 16] = 1 # Define one white pixel in the middle
>>> w = torch.ones((1, 1, 3, 3)) / 9 # Basic 3x3 averaging filter
>>> physics = Blur(filter=w)
>>> y = physics(x)

Linear operators can also be stacked. The measurements produced by the resulting model are deepinv.utils.TensorList objects, where each entry corresponds to the measurements of the corresponding operator (see Combining Physics for more information):

>>> physics1 = Blur(filter=w)
>>> physics2 = Downsampling(img_size=((1, 32, 32)), filter="gaussian", factor=4)
>>> physics = physics1.stack(physics2)
>>> y = physics(x)

Linear operators can also be composed by multiplying them:

>>> physics = physics1 * physics2
>>> y = physics(x)

Linear operators also come with an adjoint, a pseudoinverse, and proximal operators in a given norm:

>>> from deepinv.loss.metric import PSNR
>>> physics = Blur(filter=w, padding='circular')
>>> y = physics(x) # Compute measurements
>>> x_dagger = physics.A_dagger(y) # Compute linear pseudoinverse
>>> x_prox = physics.prox_l2(torch.zeros_like(x), y, 1.) # Compute prox at x=0
>>> PSNR()(x, x_prox) > PSNR()(x, y) # Should be closer to the original

The adjoint can be generated automatically using the deepinv.physics.adjoint_function() method which relies on automatic differentiation, at the cost of a few extra computations per adjoint call:

>>> from deepinv.physics import LinearPhysics, adjoint_function
>>> A = lambda x: torch.roll(x, shifts=(1,1), dims=(2,3)) # Shift image by one pixel
>>> physics = LinearPhysics(A=A, A_adjoint=adjoint_function(A, (4, 1, 5, 5)))
>>> x = torch.randn((4, 1, 5, 5))
>>> y = physics(x)
>>> torch.allclose(physics.A_adjoint(y), x) # We have A^T(A(x)) = x
A_A_adjoint(y, **kwargs)[source]#

A helper function that computes \(A A^{\top}y\).

This function can speed up computation when \(A A^{\top}\) is available in closed form. Otherwise it just calls deepinv.physics.Physics.A() and deepinv.physics.LinearPhysics.A_adjoint().


y (torch.Tensor) – measurement.


(torch.Tensor) the product \(AA^{\top}y\).

A_adjoint(y, **kwargs)[source]#

Computes transpose of the forward operator \(\tilde{x} = A^{\top}y\). If \(A\) is linear, it should be the exact transpose of the forward matrix.


If the problem is non-linear, there is not a well-defined transpose operation, but defining one can be useful for some reconstruction networks, such as deepinv.models.ArtifactRemoval.

  • y (torch.Tensor) – measurements.

  • params (None, torch.Tensor) – optional additional parameters for the adjoint operator.


(torch.Tensor) linear reconstruction \(\tilde{x} = A^{\top}y\).

A_adjoint_A(x, **kwargs)[source]#

A helper function that computes \(A^{\top}Ax\).

This function can speed up computation when \(A^{\top}A\) is available in closed form. Otherwise it just cals deepinv.physics.Physics.A() and deepinv.physics.LinearPhysics.A_adjoint().


x (torch.Tensor) – signal/image.


(torch.Tensor) the product \(A^{\top}Ax\).

A_dagger(y, solver='CG', max_iter=None, tol=None, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Computes the solution in \(x\) to \(y = Ax\) using a least squares solver.

This function can be overwritten by a more efficient pseudoinverse in cases where closed form formulas exist.


(torch.Tensor) The reconstructed image \(x\).

A_vjp(x, v)[source]#

Computes the product between a vector \(v\) and the Jacobian of the forward operator \(A\) evaluated at \(x\), defined as:

\[A_{vjp}(x, v) = \left. \frac{\partial A}{\partial x} \right|_x^\top v = \conj{A} v.\]

(torch.Tensor) the VJP product between \(v\) and the Jacobian.


Concatenates two linear forward operators \(A = A_1\circ A_2\) via the * operation

The resulting linear operator keeps the noise and sensor models of \(A_1\).


other (deepinv.physics.LinearPhysics) – Physics operator \(A_2\)


(deepinv.physics.LinearPhysics) concatenated operator

adjointness_test(u, **kwargs)[source]#

Numerically check that \(A^{\top}\) is indeed the adjoint of \(A\).


u (torch.Tensor) – initialisation point of the adjointness test method


(float) a quantity that should be theoretically 0. In practice, it should be of the order of the chosen dtype precision (i.e. single or double).

compute_norm(x0, max_iter=100, tol=1e-3, verbose=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Computes the spectral \(\ell_2\) norm (Lipschitz constant) of the operator

\(A^{\top}A\), i.e., \(\|A^{\top}A\|\).

using the power method.

  • x0 (torch.Tensor) – initialisation point of the algorithm

  • max_iter (int) – maximum number of iterations

  • tol (float) – relative variation criterion for convergence

  • verbose (bool) – print information

Returns z:

(float) spectral norm of \(\conj{A} A\), i.e., \(\|\conj{A} A\|\).

condition_number(x, max_iter=500, tol=1e-6, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Computes an approximation of the condition number of the linear operator \(A\).

Uses the LSQR algorithm, see deepinv.optim.utils.lsqr() for more details.

  • x (torch.Tensor) – Any input tensor (e.g. random)

  • max_iter (int) – maximum number of iterations

  • tol (float) – relative variation criterion for convergence

  • verbose (bool) – print information


(torch.Tensor) condition number of the operator

prox_l2(z, y, gamma, solver='CG', max_iter=None, tol=None, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Computes proximal operator of \(f(x) = \frac{1}{2}\|Ax-y\|^2\), i.e.,

\[\underset{x}{\arg\min} \; \frac{\gamma}{2}\|Ax-y\|^2 + \frac{1}{2}\|x-z\|^2\]

(torch.Tensor) estimated signal tensor


Stacks forward operators \(A = \begin{bmatrix} A_1 \\ A_2 \end{bmatrix}\).

The measurements produced by the resulting model are deepinv.utils.TensorList objects, where each entry corresponds to the measurements of the corresponding operator.


When using the stack operator between two noise objects, the operation will retain only the second noise.

See Combining Physics for more information.


other (deepinv.physics.Physics) – Physics operator \(A_2\)


(deepinv.physics.StackedPhysics) stacked operator

Examples using LinearPhysics:#

Radio interferometric imaging with deepinverse

Radio interferometric imaging with deepinverse

Imaging inverse problems with adversarial networks

Imaging inverse problems with adversarial networks

A tour of blur operators

A tour of blur operators

Image deblurring with custom deep explicit prior.

Image deblurring with custom deep explicit prior.

Creating your own dataset

Creating your own dataset

Reconstructing an image using the deep image prior.

Reconstructing an image using the deep image prior.

Saving and loading models

Saving and loading models

3D diffraction PSF

3D diffraction PSF

Creating a forward operator.

Creating a forward operator.

A tour of forward sensing operators

A tour of forward sensing operators

Remote sensing with satellite images

Remote sensing with satellite images

Tour of MRI functionality in DeepInverse

Tour of MRI functionality in DeepInverse

Training a reconstruction network.

Training a reconstruction network.

Image deblurring with Total-Variation (TV) prior

Image deblurring with Total-Variation (TV) prior

Image inpainting with wavelet prior

Image inpainting with wavelet prior

Expected Patch Log Likelihood (EPLL) for Denoising and Inpainting

Expected Patch Log Likelihood (EPLL) for Denoising and Inpainting

Patch priors for limited-angle computed tomography

Patch priors for limited-angle computed tomography

DPIR method for PnP image deblurring.

DPIR method for PnP image deblurring.

PnP with custom optimization algorithm (Condat-Vu Primal-Dual)

PnP with custom optimization algorithm (Condat-Vu Primal-Dual)

Plug-and-Play algorithm with Mirror Descent for Poisson noise inverse problems.

Plug-and-Play algorithm with Mirror Descent for Poisson noise inverse problems.

Regularization by Denoising (RED) for Super-Resolution.

Regularization by Denoising (RED) for Super-Resolution.

Vanilla PnP for computed tomography (CT).

Vanilla PnP for computed tomography (CT).

Building your custom sampling algorithm.

Building your custom sampling algorithm.

Image reconstruction with a diffusion model

Image reconstruction with a diffusion model

Implementing DiffPIR

Implementing DiffPIR

Implementing DPS

Implementing DPS

Uncertainty quantification with PnP-ULA.

Uncertainty quantification with PnP-ULA.

Self-supervised MRI reconstruction with Artifact2Artifact

Self-supervised MRI reconstruction with Artifact2Artifact

Image transformations for Equivariant Imaging

Image transformations for Equivariant Imaging

Self-supervised learning with Equivariant Imaging for MRI.

Self-supervised learning with Equivariant Imaging for MRI.

Self-supervised learning from incomplete measurements of multiple operators.

Self-supervised learning from incomplete measurements of multiple operators.

Self-supervised denoising with the Neighbor2Neighbor loss.

Self-supervised denoising with the Neighbor2Neighbor loss.

Self-supervised denoising with the Generalized R2R loss.

Self-supervised denoising with the Generalized R2R loss.

Self-supervised learning with measurement splitting

Self-supervised learning with measurement splitting

Self-supervised denoising with the SURE loss.

Self-supervised denoising with the SURE loss.

Self-supervised denoising with the UNSURE loss.

Self-supervised denoising with the UNSURE loss.

Deep Equilibrium (DEQ) algorithms for image deblurring

Deep Equilibrium (DEQ) algorithms for image deblurring

Learned Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm (LISTA) for compressed sensing

Learned Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm (LISTA) for compressed sensing

Learned iterative custom prior

Learned iterative custom prior

Learned Primal-Dual algorithm for CT scan.

Learned Primal-Dual algorithm for CT scan.

Unfolded Chambolle-Pock for constrained image inpainting

Unfolded Chambolle-Pock for constrained image inpainting

Vanilla Unfolded algorithm for super-resolution

Vanilla Unfolded algorithm for super-resolution