
deepinv.physics.functional.conv_transpose2d(y, filter, padding='valid', correlation=False)[source]#

A helper function performing the 2d transposed convolution 2d of x and filter. The transposed of this operation is deepinv.physics.functional.conv2d()

  • x (torch.Tensor) – Image of size (B, C, W, H).

  • filter (torch.Tensor) – Filter of size (b, c, w, h) ) where b can be either 1 or B and c can be either 1 or C.

  • correlation (bool) – choose True if you want a cross-correlation (default False)

If b = 1 or c = 1, then this function supports broadcasting as the same as numpy. Otherwise, each channel of each image is convolved with the corresponding kernel.


padding (str) – options are 'valid', 'circular', 'replicate' and 'reflect'. If padding='valid' the blurred output is smaller than the image (no padding) otherwise the blurred output has the same size as the image.


(torch.Tensor) : the output

Return type:
