
class deepinv.loss.SupLoss(metric=torch.nn.MSELoss())[source]#

Bases: Loss

Standard supervised loss

The supervised loss is defined as


where \(\inverse{y}\) is the reconstructed signal and \(x\) is the ground truth target.

By default, the error is computed using the MSE metric, however any other metric (e.g., \(\ell_1\)) can be used as well. If called with arguments x_net, x, this is simply a wrapper for the metric metric.


metric (Metric, torch.nn.Module) – metric used for computing data consistency, which is set as the mean squared error by default.

forward(x_net, x, **kwargs)[source]#

Computes the loss.


(torch.Tensor) loss.

Examples using SupLoss:#

Remote sensing with satellite images

Remote sensing with satellite images

Training a reconstruction network.

Training a reconstruction network.

Tour of MRI functionality in DeepInverse

Tour of MRI functionality in DeepInverse

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Learned Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm (LISTA) for compressed sensing

Vanilla Unfolded algorithm for super-resolution

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Learned iterative custom prior

Deep Equilibrium (DEQ) algorithms for image deblurring

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Learned Primal-Dual algorithm for CT scan.

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