- class deepinv.models.GSDRUNet(alpha=1.0, in_channels=3, out_channels=3, nb=2, nc=[64, 128, 256, 512], act_mode='E', pretrained=None, device=torch.device('cpu'))[source]#
Gradient Step Denoiser with DRUNet architecture
- Parameters:
alpha (float) – Relaxation parameter
in_channels (int) – Number of input channels
out_channels (int) – Number of output channels
nb (int) – Number of blocks in the DRUNet
nc (list) – Number of channels in the DRUNet
act_mode (str) – activation mode, “R” for ReLU, “L” for LeakyReLU “E” for ELU and “S” for Softplus.
downsample_mode (str) – Downsampling mode, “avgpool” for average pooling, “maxpool” for max pooling, and “strideconv” for convolution with stride 2.
upsample_mode (str) – Upsampling mode, “convtranspose” for convolution transpose, “pixelsuffle” for pixel shuffling, and “upconv” for nearest neighbour upsampling with additional convolution.
download (bool) – use a pretrained network. If
, the weights will be initialized at random using Pytorch’s default initialization. Ifpretrained='download'
, the weights will be downloaded from an online repository (only available for the default architecture). Finally,pretrained
can also be set as a path to the user’s own pretrained weights. See pretrained-weights for more details.device (str) – gpu or cpu.
Examples using GSDRUNet

Regularization by Denoising (RED) for Super-Resolution.