This module provides a set of forward operators for various imaging modalities. Please refer to the Operators & Noise section for more details.
Base Classes#
User Guide: refer to Introduction for more information.
Parent class for forward operators |
Parent class for linear operators. |
Parent class for linear operators with SVD decomposition. |
Stacks multiple physics operators into a single operator. |
Stacks multiple linear physics operators into a single operator. |
Base class for noise model. |
User Guide: refer to Operators for more information.
Forward operator for denoising problems. |
Inpainting forward operator, keeps a subset of entries. |
Converts n-channel images to grayscale. |
Demosaicing operator. |
Blur operator. |
FFT-based blur operator. |
Implements a space varying blur via product-convolution. |
Downsampling operator for super-resolution problems. |
Single-coil accelerated 2D or 3D magnetic resonance imaging. |
Mixin base class for MRI functionality. |
Base class for temporal capabilities for physics and models. |
Single-coil accelerated dynamic magnetic resonance imaging. |
Multi-coil 2D or 3D MRI operator. |
Single-coil accelerated magnetic resonance imaging using sequential sampling. |
(Computed) Tomography operator. |
Pansharpening forward operator. |
Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging operator. |
Hyperspectral Unmixing operator. |
Compressed Sensing forward operator. |
Structured random linear operator model corresponding to the operator |
Single pixel imaging camera. |
Radio Interferometry measurement operator. |
Single photon lidar operator for depth ranging. |
Standard haze model |
Phase Retrieval base class corresponding to the operator |
Random Phase Retrieval forward operator. |
Structured random phase retrieval model corresponding to the operator |
Ptychography forward operator. |
Forward linear operator for phase retrieval in ptychography. |
User Guide: refer to Physics Generators for more information.
Base class for parameter generation of physics parameters. |
Base class for mixing multiple |
Base generator for splitting/inpainting masks. |
Randomly generate Gaussian splitting/inpainting masks. |
Phase2Phase splitting mask generator for dynamic data. |
Artifact2Artifact splitting mask generator for dynamic data. |
Base class for generating Point Spread Functions (PSFs). |
Random motion blur generator. |
Diffraction limited blur generator. |
3D diffraction limited kernels using Zernike decomposition of the phase mask. |
Generates parameters of space-varying blurs. |
Generates the 3D point spread function of a confocal laser scanning microsope. |
Base generator for MRI acceleration masks. |
Generator for MRI Cartesian acceleration masks using Gaussian undersampling. |
Generator for MRI Cartesian acceleration masks using random uniform undersampling. |
Generator for MRI Cartesian acceleration masks using uniform (equispaced) non-random undersampling with random offset. |
Gaussian blur filter. |
Bilinear filter. |
Bicubic filter. |
Anti-aliasing sinc filter multiplied by a Kaiser window. |
Builds a probe based on the specified type and radius. |
Generates the array of probe shifts across the image. |
Noise distributions#
User Guide: refer to Noise distributions for more information.
Base class for noise model. |
Gaussian noise \(y=z+\epsilon\) where \(\epsilon\sim \mathcal{N}(0,I\sigma^2)\). |
Log-Poisson noise \(y = \frac{1}{\mu} \log(\frac{\mathcal{P}(\exp(-\mu x) N_0)}{N_0})\). |
Poisson noise \(y = \mathcal{P}(\frac{x}{\gamma})\) with gain \(\gamma>0\). |
Poisson-Gaussian noise \(y = \gamma z + \epsilon\) where \(z\sim\mathcal{P}(\frac{x}{\gamma})\) and \(\epsilon\sim\mathcal{N}(0, I \sigma^2)\). |
Uniform noise \(y = x + \epsilon\) where \(\epsilon\sim\mathcal{U}(-a,a)\). |
Gaussian noise \(y=z+\epsilon\) where \(\epsilon\sim \mathcal{N}(0,I\sigma^2)\) and \(\sigma \sim\mathcal{U}(\sigma_{\text{min}}, \sigma_{\text{max}})\) |
Gamma noise \(y = \mathcal{G}(\ell, x/\ell)\) |
Generator for the noise level \(\sigma\) in the Gaussian noise model. |
Provides the adjoint function of a linear operator \(A\), i.e., \(A^{\top}\). |
Stacks multiple forward operators \(A = \begin{bmatrix} A_1(x) \\ A_2(x) \\ \vdots \\ A_n(x) \end{bmatrix}\). |
User Guide: refer to Functional for more information.
A helper function performing the 2d convolution of images |
A helper function performing the 2d transposed convolution 2d of x and filter. |
A helper function performing the 2d convolution of images |
A helper function performing the 2d transposed convolution 2d of |
A helper function performing the 3d convolution of |
A helper function performing the 3d transposed convolution of |
Product-convolution operator in 2d. |
Implements diagonal matrices or multipliers \(x\) and |
Implements the adjoint of diagonal matrices or multipliers \(x\) and |
Computes the multidimensional histogram of a tensor. |
Computes the histogram of a tensor. |
Orthogonal Discrete Sine Transform, Type I The transform is performed across the last dimension of the input signal Due to orthogonality we have |
Sparse Radon transform operator. |
Inverse sparse Radon transform operator. |