
class deepinv.physics.StackedLinearPhysics(physics_list, reduction='sum', **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: StackedPhysics, LinearPhysics

Stacks multiple linear physics operators into a single operator.

The measurements produced by the resulting model are deepinv.utils.TensorList objects, where each entry corresponds to the measurements of the corresponding operator.

See Combining Physics for more information.

  • physics_list (list[deepinv.physics.Physics]) – list of physics operators to stack.

  • reduction (str) – how to combine tensorlist outputs of adjoint operators into single adjoint output. Choose between sum, mean or None.

A_adjoint(y, **kwargs)[source]#

Computes the adjoint of the stacked operator, defined as

\[A^{\top}y = \sum_{i=1}^{n} A_i^{\top}y_i.\]

y (deepinv.utils.TensorList) – measurements


Updates the parameters of the stacked operator.


kwargs (dict) – dictionary of parameters to update.

Examples using StackedLinearPhysics:#

A tour of forward sensing operators

A tour of forward sensing operators

Remote sensing with satellite images

Remote sensing with satellite images