
class deepinv.sampling.MonteCarlo(iterator, prior, data_fidelity, max_iter=1e3, burnin_ratio=0.2, thinning=10, clip=(-1.0, 2.0), thresh_conv=1e-3, crit_conv='residual', save_chain=False, g_statistic=lambda x: ..., verbose=False)[source]#

Bases: Module

Base class for Monte Carlo sampling.

This class can be used to create new Monte Carlo samplers, by only defining their kernel inside a torch.nn.Module:

# define custom sampling kernel (possibly a Markov kernel which depends on the previous sample).
class MyKernel(torch.torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, iterator_params):
        self.iterator_params = iterator_params

    def forward(self, x, y, physics, likelihood, prior):
        # run one sampling kernel iteration
        new_x = f(x, y, physics, likelihood, prior, self.iterator_params)
        return new_x

class MySampler(MonteCarlo):
    def __init__(self, prior, data_fidelity, iterator_params,
                 max_iter=1e3, burnin_ratio=.1, clip=(-1,2), verbose=True):
        # generate an iterator
        iterator = MyKernel(step_size=step_size, alpha=alpha)
        # set the params of the base class
        super().__init__(iterator, prior, data_fidelity, max_iter=max_iter,
                         burnin_ratio=burnin_ratio, clip=clip, verbose=verbose)

# create the sampler
sampler = MySampler(prior, data_fidelity, iterator_params)

# compute posterior mean and variance of reconstruction of measurement y
mean, var = sampler(y, physics)

This class computes the mean and variance of the chain using Welford’s algorithm, which avoids storing the whole Monte Carlo samples.

  • prior (deepinv.optim.ScorePrior) – negative log-prior based on a trained or model-based denoiser.

  • data_fidelity (deepinv.optim.DataFidelity) – negative log-likelihood function linked with the noise distribution in the acquisition physics.

  • max_iter (int) – number of Monte Carlo iterations.

  • thinning (int) – thins the Monte Carlo samples by an integer \(\geq 1\) (i.e., keeping one out of thinning samples to compute posterior statistics).

  • burnin_ratio (float) – percentage of iterations used for burn-in period, should be set between 0 and 1. The burn-in samples are discarded constant with a numerical algorithm.

  • clip (tuple) – Tuple containing the box-constraints \([a,b]\). If None, the algorithm will not project the samples.

  • crit_conv (float) – Threshold for verifying the convergence of the mean and variance estimates.

  • g_statistic (Callable) – The sampler will compute the posterior mean and variance of the function g_statistic. By default, it is the identity function (lambda x: x), and thus the sampler computes the posterior mean and variance.

  • verbose (bool) – prints progress of the algorithm.

forward(y, physics, seed=None, x_init=None)[source]#

Runs an Monte Carlo chain to obtain the posterior mean and variance of the reconstruction of the measurements y.


(tuple of torch.tensor) containing the posterior mean and variance.


Returns the thinned Monte Carlo samples (after burn-in iterations). Requires save_chain=True.


Returns a boolean indicating if the posterior mean verifies the convergence criteria.


Resets the Markov chain.


Returns a boolean indicating if the posterior variance verifies the convergence criteria.

Examples using MonteCarlo:#

Uncertainty quantification with PnP-ULA.

Uncertainty quantification with PnP-ULA.

Image reconstruction with a diffusion model

Image reconstruction with a diffusion model

Building your custom sampling algorithm.

Building your custom sampling algorithm.